Registration and payment:
Please register HERE
The fee for PL-CALL Between is PLN 150 / 50 euro (for partcipants from abroad).
Payment is due 31 March 2015. After this date the fee is PLN 200 / 65 euro.
The payment of the fee may be made in two ways:
– in EURO by direct transfer to our bank account:
bank name: PEKAO S.A.
account no. (IBAN): PL 71 1240 4722 1111 0000 4852 4687
– in PLN by direct transfer to our bank account
bank name: PEKAO S.A.
account no.: 71 1240 4722 1111 0000 4852 4687
When transferring the conference fee, in ‘transfer details’ field put: ‘2’ and ‘your first name+surname’ (e.g. “2 Jan Kowalski”).